Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Justice For Kollin Eldert!


March & Protest
Tuesday, November 8 March at 4pm;
Protest at Convention Center from 4:30-5:30pm
Gather at Old Stadium Park at 3:45. March begins promptly at 4pm. We'll walk along King Street to McCully, and then down McCully to Kapiolani (McCully Shopping Center), and then to the front of the Convention Center. We'll be at the Convention Center by 4:30pm. The march from Stadium Park to the Convention Center is less than a mile. Join the march along the route or at the Convention Center. We'll have signs or bring your own. 

Noisemakers welcome.

Initiated by Hawai`i Peace & Justice and World Can't Wait-Hawai`i

Everyone invited!

The murder of 23-year old Kollin Eldert by Christopher Deedy, a State Department Special Agent in Hawai`i for APEC is an outrage!

That APEC Agent Deedy made racial slurs against Eldert, ridiculing him for speaking pidgin at a club, and then
allegedly followed Elbert to McDonald's and fatally shot him in the chest is an outrage!

That the U.S. State Department and the Honolulu Police Department are refusing to release any information about
this murder is an outrage!

That thousands of security agents, police and military personnel are armed to the teeth to protect the rich and
powerful, unleashing an atmosphere of fear and terror throughout Hawai`i is an outrage!

We cannot allow the U.S. State Department, the HPD, the State and City governments, and the media to continue
to keep this blatant murder shrouded in secrecy.
It is up to speak out and demand JUSTICE FOR KOLLIN ELDERT!

World Can't Wait-Hawai`i will send out more information about what details we have been able to learn, but we
urge you to be at this march. Take off work early! Cut classes! Spread the word!

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